Creeper Alert: They’re Watching

This is a note from our CEO, Jasmine Star:

Do you know there’s someone clapping for you somewhere in the world, even if you don’t know they exist?

People are watching you. Even if they don’t comment, engage, or respond, they’re watching.

Some of my most cherished mentors are people I watch from a distance, not engaging but slurping their content like a Neapolitan shake through an extra-large straw.

*A fully recyclable, non-plastic straw because I love Mother Earth and sea turtles, obvs.*

And maybe--just maybe--there are people who consume the content Social Curator puts out without saying a word.

REAL TALK: You might be one of them!

To demonstrate my point, last week, Gary Vaynerchuk launched his first NFTs and I cried.

*OMG THAT IS SO STUPID, RIGHT?! Utterly Ridiculous, capital U and capital R.*

And yet, I cried.

I cried because I felt like one of my mentors--even though he has no idea who I am--did something incredibly game-changing.

I watched history take place, and I felt like I was cheering a friend on. I literally fist-pumped the air for him.

I don’t know what kind of day you’re having, friend, but I’m here to tell you someone is rooting for your journey, for your success.

Keep going.

Fist-pumping the air for you too,



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