Who’s Behind The Screen on the Social Curator Team

We'll be honest: you reading this post is a BIG deal to our team. 

We pour our hearts into this Community, creating Social Curator resources, putting together group classes, and writing these posts... so when you click "read more," it really means a lot.

Carolina, our Customer Success Manager, raises her Starbucks frappuccino and pushes her glasses up her nose with impressive flair every morning as she gets to work serving you.

Jake, our CTO, goes on a run before heading to the office (actually his wife drags him out and calls it a “fun” way to bond, but who are we to judge?!).

On a particularly hard day, Paige, our Visual Content Creator, will try to hug Tami, our Creative Director (even though Tami insists she’s not the hugging type).

And then MegAnne, our Community Admin, will stop us ALL for a *digital* GROUP HUG because, duh, what’s more community than group hugs? (Poor Tami!)

We're sure this seems random, but trust us on this one: Each week our team writes captions, designs graphics, reads and responds to every single message because we care about your success.

>>Our collective purpose is to see 10,000 business owners break six-figures by 2023.<<

Will you be one of them?

We want to empower you to get closer to your dreams… so if there is anything we can help you with or resources we can create, shoot us a DM on Instagram @socialcurators. We’d love to hear from you.


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