A Note from Our CEO, Jasmine Star

I’m what you’d call a get-er-done girl, doing whatever I need to survive in business.  

I create, make, record, write, capture, sell, market, listen, and repeat this process again and again, fixing things along the way.

Am I embarrassed to admit that I do it imperfectly, scrappy, and messy? Heck NO. This note will be proof of that.

(I was a really awkward kid growing up, so Embarrassment and I remained summer camp B.F.F.s who found a way to “Stay Cool and K.I.T.” all these years later.)

From 2014-2017, I created online courses, but later realized students were learning more, but most weren’t actually doing more in their business. In fact, I soon discovered that students loved buying courses, but only 10% actually finished them.

In mid-2017, we started Social Curator to help solve the biggest struggle for business owners: Marketing and Sales.  

We figured that if we created quick, easy, and result-driven resources, business owners would learn from our education and actually TAKE ACTION.

But in 2021, I had to take inventory of what people were asking for: a step-by-step framework for how to get sales.

This was a lightbulb moment!

People were asking for a course… but also needed the resources to TAKE ACTION… and needed a clear plan to get results.

After working on a solution for over a year, I’m proud to debut S.O.S. Selling On Social, Social Curator’s first online course walking you through how to get sales on social media.

Here’s the best part: When you invest in the course, you get two-months complimentary access to Social Curator… so what does this mean?


And when we help you take action, you get results.

We’re launching S.O.S. Selling On Social this year with the earnest belief that business owners will get everything they need… and deserve.

We believe your business is something unique in the world, we believe more people should invest in it, and we’re here to help you get sales on social media simply by using our proven plan.

So what’s needed now? We can sit in awkward silence and pretend to be summer camp B.F.F.s too.


You can choose your own adventure:

  1. Check out the S.O.S. Selling On Social course >>HERE<<.

  2. Sign up for a free class - What I Learned Selling 7-Figures on Instagram (I'll walk through my 5 step framework to sales and give you a sneak peek of S.O.S.)

  3. Email us at help@socialcurator.com with any questions you may have.

This is me, ending this scrappy note. I wrote it to explain WHY we created this amazing course, WHY I believe in Social Curator resources with all my gut, and WHY I care about you taking action.

You deserve results… so now it’s time to take action to get them!


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