3 Branding Tips to Help You Stand Out
Imagine you’re at a networking event, speaking to 3 or 4 of your industry peers about life, business, and everything in between.
Perhaps you opened up about what you’re passionate about, looking forward to, and the struggles you’ve been facing in your business…
Then, you walked away from the group to speak with someone else, use the bathroom or refill your drink.
Now that you’re gone, what do those other business owners say about you?
Whether it’s good, bad, or indifferent, THAT is your brand.
>>Your brand is what someone says about you or your business when you’re not there.<<
Why does this matter?
Well friend, because the magic to building a multimillion dollar business has nothing to do with what you think…
Your success is not dependent upon:
Running ads
Having lots of followers
Creating an Instagrammable life
Have the ‘best’ product/service
Selling luxury items
No, it’s not dependent on that... Your success as a business owner and entrepreneur is dependent on your BRAND.
At Social Curator, we’re passionate about giving you all of the tools you need to succeed, so here are 3 branding tips to help you create a brand that stands out!
Branding Tip #1 Create content where people are
Ask yourself: “Where is my Ideal Client hanging out online?” Once you know the answer to that question, create content there first.
You don’t have to be on all platforms, just pick one, decide to be consistent, and go deep with your Ideal Client there!
How can you create personal connections in an online world?
Respond to every comment
Leave comments on at least five accounts each day
Reply to your direct messages
Send direct messages to others
Add comments on social Stories
Check in with a former client simply to say “hi!”
Share a link to a helpful article or recommendation you think they might enjoy
Once you do this, you’ll be well on your way to developing the know, like, and trust factor that builds a world-class brand and helps you stand out from the rest!
Branding Tip #3 Share educational content
Offering education is one of the quickest ways to build a brand, because it builds trust with your audience.
People trust those who they respect and who they can count on to help them with solving their problems… so don’t be afraid to share everything (yes, EVERYTHING!) you know.
>>Remember: your content is your credibility.<<
If you know making someone feel something is the foundation of building your brand, why not share something with them that makes them feel educated on the very topic you want to build your expertise in?
When you make somebody feel smart, save time, know something, or feel supported by the content you create, that person will start talking about you.
When you follow these simple 3 tips, not only are you creating valuable content, you’re also creating a fan, an endorser, an evangelist… and that, friend, is building a brand!
For more branding tips, download our free Instagram Branding Bundle!
This bundle includes 3 Instagram Branding guides:
3 Ways to Take Better Photos for Instagram
A Step-By-Step Guide to Your Sneak Peek of the Social Curator Experience
5 Things That Should Be In EVERY Business Owner's Instagram Bio
Trust us, you’re going to LOVE reading these jam-packed guides, watching the video tutorials, and filling out the workbooks to help implement what you’re learning while you up your branding game. Click >>HERE<< to download the Instagram Branding Bundle now!